James A. Conrad

Blood Tests of Telekinesis Researcher James A. Conrad

James A. Conrad James A. Conrad Additional information can be found at the bottom. This data is offered as evidence to support my hypothesis that iron in the body is a factor related to the production of telekinesis (a specialty ability of psychokinesis). Tests for iron-related diagnostic factors in the blood are displayed in colored text.

A dash "—" indicates unavailable information (that particular test was not done that day). In 1989 and 1995, I had not yet suspected iron was involved in the production of the energy needed to produce or trigger telekinesis, so the blood tests performed were not as extensive. Iron tests are not always included in a blood chemistry profile and must be ordered separately

I have always also stated with regard to my hypothesis that there may be accompanying factors involved with cerebral circulating and stored iron, such as a particular chance or genetically predisposed formation of magnetite particle deposits (iron fuels the formation of magnetite particles) or arrangement of blood vessels; also, that telekinesis, which is now regarded as a speciality ability of the more wider group of mental abilities known as psychokinesis, may be a transitional evolutionary ability present in some humans. At the bottom of this page are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). The table on this page is not responsive to smaller screens. It is best viewed on a device with a larger screen.

Historical Note: You are looking at the first blood tests related to a claim of psychokinesis or any parapsychological research ever to be published in any medium. First posted on the Internet December 12, 2003.
Item 1989 (age 34)
Yes Telekinesis
1995 (age 40)
Yes Telekinesis
2002 (age 47)
No Telekinesis
Normal Reference Range
Iron / Serum Iron
(Measures the amount of iron bound to available transferrin in the blood. Typically listed on a blood test as simply "Iron.")
(above normal for the medical lab's test range)

(test not performed)

(a 45.8% loss of iron in my blood)
1989 range: 30 – 150 mcg/dL
2002: 49 – 181 mcg/dL (µg/dL) 
(The loss of iron in my blood due to a vegetarian diet coincided with the loss of telekinetic effects seen in my laboratory experiments. Medical labs can have different ranges for what they consider normal.)
(a glycoprotein to which iron attaches and is transported in the blood)
(below normal)
200 – 360 mg/dL
Transferrin Saturation
39 20 – 55 %
(iron storage protein)
191 28 – 365 ng/mL
(total iron binding capacity)
(below normal)
231 – 420 µg/dL
RBC / Red Blood Cells
5.07 4.66 4.00 – 5.40 mil/µL
Item 1989 (age 34)
Yes Telekinesis
1995 (age 40)
Yes Telekinesis
2002 (age 47)
No Telekinesis
Normal Reference Range
HGB / Hemoglobin
15.6 14.8 14.0 – 18.0 g/dL
(Iron deficiency anemia, also spelled anaemia, is diagnosed when hemoglobin falls below normal. I was never anemic, but was getting close due to my vegetarian diet)
HCT / Hematocrit
(proportion of red blood cells in blood)
44.6 42.2
(borderline low)
42.0 – 52.0 %
PLT / Platelet Count
181 175 130 – 450 thou/µL
(red blood cell distribution width)
12.2 11.6
(borderline low)
11.5 – 14.5 %
(mean corpuscular volume)
88 91 80 – 99 fL
(mean corpuscular hemoglobin)
30.7 31.7 25.4 – 34.6 pg
(MCH concentration)
34.9 35 31.0 – 37.0 %
Item 1989 (age 34)
Yes Telekinesis
1995 (age 40)
Yes Telekinesis
2002 (age 47)
No Telekinesis
Normal Reference Range
(mean platelet volume)
9.6 7.4 – 10.4 fL
WBC / White Blood Cells 4.9 5.2 4.2 – 10.8 thou/µL
Ganulocytes 61.7 42 – 75 %
Lymphocytes 25.5 22.8
(below normal)
24.0 – 44 % (other lab: 20 – 51%)
Monocytes 8.8 8.7 0.0 – 15 %
Eosinophils 3.5 9.6
(above normal)
0.0 – 5.0 % (other lab: 0.0 – 6.0%)
Basophils 0.5 0.7 0.0 – 3.0 %
Cholesterol 132 143 140 <200 mg/dL = low / good
HDL Cholesterol 50 54 >40 mg/dL = low risk / good
LDL Cholesterol 81 78.2 <100 mg/dL = optimal / good
Item 1989 (age 34)
Yes Telekinesis
1995 (age 40)
Yes Telekinesis
2002 (age 47)
No Telekinesis
Normal Reference Range
Gamma GT 27 27 11 – 51 U/L
T3-Hypothyroid 28.4 24.0 – 36.0 %
T4-Hypothyroid 8.1 4.5 – 12.0 µg/dL
T7-Hypothyroid 2.30 1.08 – 4.32 (no meas. unit given)
TSH, Sensitive 1.97 0.54 – 5.70 µIU/mL
Glucose 85 76 85 70 – 105 mg/dL
(blood urea nitrogen)
12 17 19 9 – 20 mg/dL
Creatinine 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.8 – 1.5 mg/dL
B/C Ratio
(BUN / Creatinine ratio)
10.9 (below normal) 19 21 15 – 73 U/L
Uric Acid 3.8
(below normal)


1989: 3.9 – 9.0 mg/dL
1995: 3.4 – 7.0 mg/dL
2002: 3.5 – 8.5 mg/dL
Item 1989 (age 34)
Yes Telekinesis
1995 (age 40)
Yes Telekinesis
2002 (age 47)
No Telekinesis
Normal Reference Range
(most common form of fat in the blood and body)
95 58 39
(lowered, likely associated with my non-meat diet)
<150 mg/dL normal / good
Total Protein 7.3 7.5 7.1 6.3 – 8.2 g/dL
Albumin 4.5 4.7 3.9 3.5 – 5.0 g/dL
Globulin 2.8 2.8 3.2 2.4 – 3.5 g/dL
A/G Ratio
(Albumin / Globulin ratio)
1.6 1.7 1.2
(borderline low)
1.1 – 2.2 Ratio
Direct Bili 0.3 0.00 0.00 – 0.30 mg/dL
Indirect Bili 0.4 mg/dL
(no reference range given)
Bilirubin, Total
(total bili)
0.7 0.9 0.7 0.20 – 1.3 mg/dL
Item 1989 (age 34)
Yes Telekinesis
1995 (age 40)
Yes Telekinesis
2002 (age 47)
No Telekinesis
Normal Reference Range
(serum glutamic oxaloacetic
22 22 24 17 – 59 U/L
(serum glutamic pyruvic

1989: 0 – 45 mµ/mL
1995: 0 – 40 U/L
2002: 21 – 72 U/L
(lactic dehydrogenase)

1989: 60 – 215 mµ/mL
1995: 118 – 273 U/L
2002: 313 – 618 U/L
CO2 / Carbon Dioxide 25 29 24 – 32 mmol/L
Alkaline Phosphatase 76 72 77 38 – 126 U/L
Phosphorus 2.8 3.0 3.0 2.5 – 4.5 mg/dL
Item 1989 (age 34)
Yes Telekinesis
1995 (age 40)
Yes Telekinesis
2002 (age 47)
No Telekinesis
Normal Reference Range
Calcium 9.2 9.3 8.9 8.4 – 10.2 mg/dL
Magnesium 1.56

1995: 1.3 – 2.1 meq/L
2002: 1.6 – 2.3 mg/dL
3.9 4.1 3.9 3.6 – 5.0 mmol/L
100 103 106 98 – 107 mmol/L
142 139 143 137 – 145 mmol/L
mg/dL = milligrams per decilter
g/dL = grams per deciliter
µg/dL or mcg/dL = micrograms per decilter
ng/mL = nanograms/milliliter
µL = one microliter = one millionth of a liter mil/µL = million per micoliter
thou/µL = thousand per microliter
fL = femtoliter per cell
pg = picogram
U/L = units per liter
µIU/mL = micro International Units per milliliter
meq/L = milliequivalents per liter
mµ/mL = millimicrons per milliliter
mmol/L = millimoles per liter
% = percent
Blood Type: My blood type is B Positive, also known as B Rh-positive. Is blood type important? That is not known yet. In the United States, only 9% of Caucasians like myself, and Hispanics, or 9 out of 100, has this blood type, while African-Americans (18%) and Asians (25%) have higher percentages.

Notes:  A dash "—" indicates that the particular test was not included in the blood profile done that day. When the possibility of the iron relationship was discovered, numerous iron-only tests were done during 2001 through 2002. The last test in July 2002 included a more complete blood profile.

The reason why I had a 45.8% drop in iron in my blood is simple: I stopped eating meat, including especially red meat, for over two and a half years (a vegetarian diet that began on March 12, 1997 and has since ended). Over time, the amount of iron naturally excreted by my body daily (about 1.5 milligrams for everyone) was more than the amount of plant source iron my body was able to absorb effectively from my diet. The human body absorbs iron more easily from meat than from plants. Other factors in a diet can also inhibit the absorption of iron from plant sources.

When I was growing up, my family's and home's water source in Connecticut was water from a well pumped up from the ground. I learned in 2009 from a relative who had the water tested years earlier prior to switching to city water that it had a high iron content. That could explain the source of my high body iron, as I did not eat an unusual amount of meat otherwise. iron in the body accumulates over time.

The date I recorded in a journal as having lost my high repeatability of telekinesis was October 17, 1999. I did not lose the ability entirely that day, but that was the day my success rate began to drop, even though the experiment and conditions in my telekinesis laboratory were the same. I had even purchased a second oscilloscope, additional piezo films, etc., to make sure that all pieces of equipment were operating the same. The duplicate equipment performed the same, indicating that something had changed within me.

Hi / low reference ranges for some blood tests may vary slightly from one medical laboratory to another. The following information appears on the computer printouts from the labs. Some personal information (physician's name, addresses, etc.) has been removed from online viewing for privacy reasons.

1989 Blood Tests:  Patient Name: James Conrad.  Patient ID: 119587.  Accession No. 2791317.  Age: 34.  Sex: Male.  Collection Date: September 26, 1989.  Date Received: 09/26/89.  Date Reported: 09/27/89.  Order No. B0019789.  Order Status: Complete.

1995 Blood Tests:  Patient Name: James Conrad.  Age: 40.  Sex: Male.  Accession #241700.  Collected: October 16, 1995 09:15.  Received: 10/16/95.  Reported: 10/16/95 01:08.

2002 Blood Tests:  Patient Name: James A. Conrad.  Sex:  Male.  Age: 47 yrs.  Collection Date: July 9, 2002.  Client/MD: Healthcheck USA/Concept 2000, 8700 Crownhill, Ste 506, San Antonio Texas 78209 (an online blood test order service).

– FAQ –

Question: I am interested in checking my iron levels. Can I order an iron blood test online?
Answer: I can only answer for the United States where I live. Yes, you can order and pay for blood tests online, but you will still have to visit a local medical lab to give a blood sample (a needle stuck in your arm). The online company will mail you paperwork to take to the lab or if you are in a hurry, possibly fax your appointment to them (ask if this is possible).

The lab will then process the tests and a doctor at the online company will review the results and mail them to you or, if available and you prefer to get them quicker, post them to your log-in account for viewing online. The company I used was HealthCheckUSA, but there are others. Do a search online for the phrase: online blood tests. The blood tests for 1989 and 1995 were ordered through my personal physician at the time.

Question: If I take iron supplements, will I be able to do telekinesis?
Answer: I am not claiming that. I am not suggesting or instructing anyone to take any supplements of any kind. I am presenting some of my research online for the scientific record, not as a how-to course. People take iron supplements every day and they do not report objects suddenly moving, so clearly there must be other factors involved if my hypothesis is correct. Perhaps if evolution has given you the needed extra factors something might happen.

The iron may have been fueling the formation of magnetite deposits in just the right place and quantity in my brain. I apparently had all of the factors involved for a period in my life and the ability is dormant now. My lab was dismantled, so I just do not know.

No one should take iron without first establishing what their current levels are in their body. I tried for a number of years to restore my iron levels by taking iron pills from a bottle and the results were unsuccessful. For me, iron from meat sources is the only way. It is a slow process. Do a search online for the phrase: inhibits iron absorption.

Question: I think I have telekinesis. What should I do?
Answer: Design an experiment that can be repeated and that rules out other possible explanations. In the meantime, keep a journal and every time something you conclude to be telekinesis happens, record every possible detail of the event that you can, even such ordinary things as the weather outside, temperature and humidity inside, what clothes you were wearing, and what you last had to eat.

When you record enough events, go through them and look for similarities in the details and see if including those same things increases your success rate. By doing an Internet search, you can find numerous paranormal research organizations throughout the United States that may be interested in investigating your claim. Some local skeptics organizations may be interested and may even offer prize money, but you had better be certain of your talent to produce dramatic repeatable results because they will make public your failure, should that be the outcome.

How to cite this page:
Conrad, James A. 2003. Blood Tests of Telekinesis Researcher James A. Conrad. https://jamesaconrad.com/TK/TK-blood-tests.html
Alternatively, link to this page in the Internet Archive.
PUBLIC DOMAIN DECLARATION: The text on this web page and page appearance were placed in the Public Domain on May 10, 2022 by the author James A. Conrad. Click on the Creative Commons Public Domain icon for additional legal information. All web pages on this website with this Public Domain Declaration have been saved in the Internet Archive.
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